How to pack an emergency kit for your car

In ski resort towns across the globe, packing emergency kits for your car is of the utmost essence because you never know when a mighty storm might plough through leaving you stranded on the highway for hours. You don’t need to live in Vail, Colorado to appreciate the preventative measures these ski town folk take to ensure they aren’t left to deal with Mother Natures’ wrath.
Whether you’re running errands for the day or doing a day trip to Grandma’s, it’s not only important to take time to become familiar with the items you’ve collected, but also to learn how to use them correctly.
First things first – always carry the necessary equipment for changing a tire ―a working jack, an inflated spare tire, a lug nut wrench or tire iron, and pipe for leverage. These items should always be stored in their designated place in your car’s trunk or hatchback. You should also have the numbers of tow trucks; CAA or AAA enrolment plugged into your phone to ensure you can get in contact with help right away.
Here’s an extensive list on what you should keep in your car for the utmost safety. Some of these might seem a bit above and beyond what you think you might need – but it’s ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry.
- Roadside flares
- A first-aid kit
- Work gloves or latex gloves
- Two quarts of oil
- Jumper cables
- One gallon of antifreeze
- Brake fluid
- Extra fuses
- A blanket
- A flashlight with fresh batteries
- A Phillips head screwdriver
- A flat head screwdriver
- Vise grips
- An adjustable wrench
- A pair of pliers
- A tire inflator
- A tire pressure gauge
- Some rags and a funnel
- A roll of duct tape
- A roll of paper towels
- A spray bottle with washer fluid
- An ice scraper
- Triangle reflectors and flares.
- A pocketknife
- Bottled water
- Granola or energy bars
Should you ever find yourself unfortunately stranded on the side of a desolate highway – you’ll thank yourself that you did more than necessary to prepare.
Anyone who has been involved in a car accident knows that the effects can be far reaching. Contact the personal injury lawyers at Harris Law at 519-725-8000 for a free, one-hour consultation.